Wednesday, November 18, 2020




Last term room 9 and 10 got a surprise package nobody knew what was inside. Mrs Poole asked us what we thought would be in the package. inside was notes from all around the world. We got into a group of two and started reading. Our teachers told us to come on the mat and explain what our note was about. Our next job was to make a DLO to teach others about our country we have got and post it on our blogs.

I learnt how to get on to audio and how to use it. I also learnt that you can link things so that you can click on them to take you to a recipe or something that teaches you something. Another new skill I learnt was linking a web page to an image on slides. I also learnt how to drag images onto my learning. I learnt about the food that french people eat and what clothes they were.

I found it easy to drag images to my slides and link things to my slides. I also found it easy to link my learning to my blog. I also found it easy to give information to the other people who have another country and give information to the people who view room 9 and 10's blog.

I found it hard to put the audio onto slides and find the right flag because whenever we searched it up it kept coming up with different flags. Or it wouldn't even come up with images it would just come up with words. I also found it hard to find france on the map because me and my buddy Zoe would keep on thinking other places were france until we finally found where france actually is.

I enjoyed getting to find the flag and finding out how to say hello in french even tho we both already knew how to say hello in french. I mostly enjoyed getting to find what food that's most famous in france because they had so much yummy looking foods like macaroons.

Next time I need to write more information for people to understand my learning more. I also need to add audio in my learning next time because it would not work when me and my buddy Zoe tried. I will need to write more for my planing.


Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Lily's Diagram 💘💘


              This term room 9 and room 10 have been learning to write an Explanation writing  First we had to choose a topic I picked what causes earthquakes. Next we had to Write notes about what causes earthquakes. We had to search up what causes earthquakes we did the first step the second step the third step and we even did the fourth step.  

This term I learnt how to write an explanation. I also learnt about what causes earthquakes and the steps of what causes them. I also learnt from my friend Chloe how bees make honey. I also learnt the water cycle. My favourite thing that I learnt was how I learnt to make the DLO.   

I found it easy to make my diagram and copy and paste it to my blog. I found it easy to write about what causes earthquakes. I also found most of the stuff we did for this writing easy because all we had to do basically was write about what causes earthquakes and the steps of it.   

        I really enjoyed making my diagram on what causes earthquakes It was my favourite thing to do about the writing. I also really enjoyed getting to pick what we wrote about because there was a hole list of things that we could write about for example we could write about how bees make honey or life cycle of a frog. But there was way more to pick out of. I really liked this writing even tho it took us a long time to do.

I found it hard to write the explanation text template because I didn't have enough notes to write about on the page. I also found it hard to think of an conclusion to write on my DLO. For my conclusion I could only think of. In conclusion a earthquake is caused by when two plate hit each other.

 Next time I need to get more writing onto my diagram and I need to write more notes because I did not write enough notes for this writing. I need to add more writing to my paragraphs to make them longer and more exciting for people to read my writing.                

